4 Feb 2011

Pasta Puttanesca

Pasta is something I just could eat every single day. Especially spaghetti. And if the sauce is good, you definitely do not need a lot of it to make your dish delicious. I always like the puttanesca pasta so much for it is so simply to make, yet it is very tastful with a nice salty bite to it.

A good plate of pasta with a tomato sauce.
Dinner for 2

1 shallot, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
4 filets of anchovies, chopped
40 gr of black olives, chopped (green ones also will do just fine)
1 tbsp. capers
1 can of tomatoes
250 gr spaghetti
20 gr parmesan, grated
50 gr fresh goats cheese, moldered
A handful of fresh basil

Fry the shallot, garlic and anchovies until it softens. Add the olives and capers. Fry for a minute before adding a can of tomatoes, 50 ml water and salt and pepper. Bring to a boiling point, turn the heat low and let it simmer for about half an hour.

2 Feb 2011

Pangasius with Broad Beans

My grandmother and grandfather-in-law are coming over for dinner and I want to make them something special, but also easy to digest. My choice for tonight is some nice oven baked pangasius.
Unfortunately I slipped on the bathroom floor two hours before their arrival – keeping my balance is really hard with this belly that is due in 12 days – so  it was a bit of a race against the clock and I had to skip the planned soup as a starter

Oven baked pangasuis 
Dinner for 4

½ a liter of fish stock
300 gr broad beans
25 ml white wine
A bit saffron
125 ml cream
4 pangasius filets
100 ml white wine
2 shallots, halved
Big knob of butter

Preheat the oven at 180C. Boil the stock down to about half. When the fish stock is boiled down add the white wine, saffron and cream. Bring to a boiling point, add the beans and lower the heat to simmer until the fish is done.