Based in Berlin. Originated in Amsterdam. Three girls. Exploring the world of food and the city.
30 Jan 2014
Snow. Still.

27 Jan 2014
Where we have been doubting back and forth if we wanted to
live on a busy road as we do, the girls just seem to love it. If it is really,
really quiet there are two options. Either they are doing something very, very
naughty, or they are standing here on their little chairs watching the people
go by.
26 Jan 2014
One thing I love about all these people around us having
children is that I get to buy presents for the newborns as well as for all the
little kids’ birthdays. Luckily we live in a neighborhood full of children and
therefore full of children shops. Unfortunately I have to confine myself to the
light and relatively flat stuff to be able to mail it and keep the mailing
costs within limits – I am kind of a sponsor of the Deutsche Post since living
here. Took me a couple of months to find out that postcards do not have
‘standard’ (whatever that may be) standards you pay five times as much and let
I happen to be somebody who doesn’t send
standard sized postcards…
Anyhow, we did find a couple of good presents over the last
few days that are pretty sendable at great shops in the area. At Me and My Mummy they mainly sell the greatest kids clothes
also of a few of my favorite brands (Petit bateau: perfect if you have very
slim kids like I do, Kik kid: for the tomboys, Smafolk: colorful brand from
Denmark using very soft fabrics) This time we find an elephant shaped washcloth
for our niece in India who turns three and a couple of robin socks for the
brand new sister of baby Vida - Also bought a fantastic bouncing ball with a
crowned frog and lots of golden glitters in it, but that was a present for
At Schatzinsel they really do have a lot of treasures for kids. It is completely packed with
mainly little toys. Here we found lovely forest cupcake holders, happy birthday
candles (both of which we end up using ourselves) and lovely little fox
plasters, which we send to Alec because he is such a little scallywag. - Also
bought a little bucket and scoop for ourselves, you can never have enough of
those in a city as Berlin.
At Rasselfisch they
mainly are about selling strollers, but they also have a corner with all kinds
of toys and other kids’ stuff. Here we find a soft woolen bonnet for newborn
baby Vida, Three paper chicks who we still are searching a house for and the
loveliest daisy bracelets. Bought two of those last ones this time but return
later on to buy four more, because we do think every three year old girls
should have one. Rasselfisch turns out to be a stayer and we have returned here
more often. When our eldest turned three for example to buy one of their doll
carriers. Or when baby Louis was born, to buy him and his sister two of their
duck wash clothes.
Problem in the end always is that I can’t seem to choose in
all these nice shops and that I end up buying nothing, having to return later
22 Jan 2014
It finally started snowing in Berlin! White streets, white
playground, snow crackling under our feet together with the little black stones
they use in Berlin against slippery sidewalks. We even tried the playground
today, which wasn’t a big success because they keep refusing to wear their gloves
which of course makes their little fingers freeze. After 15 minutes returned
home with three crying babies with little red noses and red cheeks, quickly
happy again with some fresh cranberry breads in our warm home
21 Jan 2014
Apple Pancakes

Today for lunch I decided to bake the girls a stack of apple
pancakes. It’s actually surprisingly easy (again I’m not really a sweet baker)
to make the batter by adding 1 egg and 2 dl milk and a bit of salt per 100
grams of flower. It’s even more surprising that I often hear Dutchies who live
abroad complain about how they can’t find a good pancake ‘mix’ where you only
have to add milk to it. I don’t know what is in this mix but it only substitute
flower and eggs.

Cookie Baking
Baking sweet stuff has never really been my thing. I think I
made 1 cake myself over the last ten years and last year made cookies twice,
but that was with a jar from Dapeppa so I guess it doesn’t really count. (Were
very good though, especially the walnut and cranberry ones
In my new life as a stay-at-home-mum (still not used to the
name) I decided that one of the thing I at least should master is baking
cookies. We’ve started on plain old “sand cookies” (kind of like shortbreads)
and will keep on going till we got them really perfect before we move on to
more complicated baking goods. At this point our mixture contains 2 parts
sugar, 3 parts cold butter and 4 parts flower (no rice flower, that was a huge
mistake). Mine also contains raisins, hers just contains huge chunks of
20 Jan 2014
Das Blaues Band – Breakfast edition

In the back of the place are some nice little benches with
low tables which are perfect for our entourage with the three small ones who
are really hard to tame these days. We settle down, tie one of them in a high
chair and order three of their breakfast asap (with coffees of course). I have
to say that this was a very successful operation. We ordered their pancakes
with bananas, one Englisch breakfast and one Scandinavian breakfast. We
actually manage to keep the kids happy for more than 45 minutes with all the
pancakes, sausages, smoked salmon and bread rolls. With a very patient waiter
who we were very happy with.
19 Jan 2014

Today should have been all about visiting several flea
markets in Berlin. We choose four of them to visit (Arkonaplatz, Mauerpark,
Ostbahnhof and ending up at Boxhagenerplatz) by bike so we would travel fast
and would actually be able to visit them all, but today was cold. And I mean
really, really cold. The master plan was to not get cold to the bone but warm
up every hour at least to try and stay warm.

17 Jan 2014
Favorite Dish no. 1 – Spaghetti with Oven tomatoes
This really is one of my favorite dishes and I believe I
really do make this at least once a week. This has everything to do with the
fact that it takes very little time in the kitchen but is very, very tasty. It
actually is a recipe my friend Marie made for me about ten years ago and I’ve
been making it ever since. It’s all
about the tomatoes, since this is a product Germans are better in producing
than the Dutch I especially make it a lot since we’re here.

Serving is done with pasta, my favorite is spaghetti, and cheeses. I always use parmesan and when I have it in the
fridge or am well prepared with fresh
soft goat cheese on top. Please do try, it really is a very, very good
dish. Especially with small children, in my family everybody loves it when I
make it.

The really cool thing about this place is that they have a
big indoor sandbox! The girls cannot believe their little eyes. Also very cool
is that they have excellent coffee, great sandwiches and everything to also
make the little ones happy from melted cheese sandwiches to mango lassies
children’s size.

16 Jan 2014

The Berlin Zoo has two parts with separate entrances to can
visit, the regular Zoo and the aquarium part. Last time the oldest went there
with my parents, but they didn’t have the chance to go to the aquarium as well.
Favorite animal? A crocodile! She never wants her face to be painted any other
way. Where are the crocodiles? Of course in the aquarium!
The crocodiles were by far the most favorite, but all the
fish, and certainly the beautiful jelly fish, where good for a lot of fun too.
Above the ground floor two floors with frogs, snakes and a lot of insects (huge
spiders still give me the creeps) were nice as well, but the ground floor
definitely was the main attraction.
11 Jan 2014
Sjakie the Weimaraner loves it in Berlin. The Parks. The dog
friendly people that give him treats. The fact that our house here is twice as
big as the one in Amsterdam with only half the stuff in it. He only misses
Grandpa and Grandma taking him for long walks in ‘t Twiske or the beach.
6 Jan 2014
4 Jan 2014
The big playground on Kollwitzplatz is favorite with the
kids. What is perfect for our little kids is that they have two separate
playgrounds, one for the bigger kids and one for the really small ones, so the
small kids will not be run over and the big ones don’t have to watch out that
much. On week days during the day it’s quit quiet here and the mums and dads seem
to come all at once around the clock of three thirty.
2 Jan 2014
Little Feet

Great moment? When I read them a bedtime story and suddenly
noticed their little feet on the other side of “Can’t you sleep, Little Bear?”
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