Today should have been all about visiting several flea
markets in Berlin. We choose four of them to visit (Arkonaplatz, Mauerpark,
Ostbahnhof and ending up at Boxhagenerplatz) by bike so we would travel fast
and would actually be able to visit them all, but today was cold. And I mean
really, really cold. The master plan was to not get cold to the bone but warm
up every hour at least to try and stay warm.

So after Arkonaplatz (where I bought 4 lovely breakfast
plates) we went to
Bonanza to warm up. Nice little coffee place with just a few
tables and high chairs. It’s all about coffee and they really make great
coffees. Or at least cappuccino’s, my sister ordered a lungo but I guess it
then is better to take a regular filter coffee which they also serve. The green
tea and pistachio cookies they sell on the side are also very, very good. I
also bought a bag of coffee beans for we are still looking for good roasted
beans for our machine at home and unfortunately weren’t able to find good ones
yet. Hope they are good, but doubt we will find as good beans as by
Brandmeesters in Amsterdam.
After Bonanza we went to the Mauerparkmarket, where indeed
are a lot of tourists but nonetheless I found it to be a pleasant market with
some nice second hand stalls but we also bought an illustration by two Japanese
artists and some handmade wool-lined children gloves. After half an hour at the
Mauerpark we really did give up our flea market journey but not before we have
some fantastic homemade ravioli in sage and butter (one of my favorite dishes
here they really know how to make it) with Heisse Zitrone (hot lemonade) at
Teigwaren, in the Oderbergerstrasse again, to warm ourselves for the ten minute
bike ride back.
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