Being a stay at home mom makes me try to find new challenges
to evolve myself in some sort of way. One of those is writing this blog to
enhance my knowledge of English and try to work on improving my writing skills.
One of my other passions is cooking. It started when I was
twelve and desperately wanted to join a cooking class. My parents allowed me to
do so, but only if I promised to cook dinner once every two weeks. And so it
happened. I’ve been cooking since I was twelve and still very much love to do
so. I’m not a natural born cook, but I like to try new thing from recipes and
gladly have been able to develop some skills over the last 20 years.

The last couple of years I have been a great fan of Dutch Cook
Book writer
Yvette van Boven who writes the tastiest recipes that are also not
hard to make. She is a great illustrator as well, which makes her books very
nice to look at. I’ve already made a lot of her recipes over the last years,
but my challenge for now is to cook (almost) all of the recipes from three of her
cooking books: Home Made, Home Made Winter and
Home Made Summer.

A good way to start my challenge is to bake my own bread for
the very first time: The no knead bread. Or almost no knead, there actually are
10 kneads involved. It is very nice soft bread which makes you wonder, if it is
so easy to make your own tasty bread, why do restaurants often serve such bad
fabric breads. If I ever start my own place I will definitely serve each table some
warm no knead breads.
Today we ate the bread with some of Yvette’s cauliflower
soup with stilton. Good soup, the girls loved it. I learned that they liked the blue cheese very much, so far the only thing they really do not like
are Brussels sprouts. Yvettte will hopefully help me to discover more of their
likes and dislikes. The challenge is on.
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