31 Mar 2015


Both my grandmothers are still there and in good health. Today we visited my mother’s mother, who will be 100 years of age in 2017.

It’s always pretty special to visit her with my own children, showing them the places I used to play when I was little. They hardly changed since then. My grandma’s beautiful garden, with the little house in the back we always pretended to be our home. The old apple and pear trees, of course without fruits right now, but there were daisies to pick and we did. She still partly maintains her big kitchen garden herself, eating from her own harvest almost every day: Fresh from the tree or plant in summer and autumn, from her freezer in the winter and spring.  Of course my grandma has gotten older, but her spirit hasn’t and we still drink tea from the same mugs we did 30 years ago.

One of the things my grandmother learned me was to value the nature around you, to look at it and be grateful for all it has to offer. If you take care of the world around you, it will take care of you. Oh and: start your day with a lukewarm glass of water with lemon, it will help you keep your skin young.

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