Because of my challenge to cook as various as possible by
trying all kinds of recipes from different cookbooks I own I thought it would
be fun to start an Instagram account to post the things I make and like. For
the first three days I had 2 followers: some spam account and my sister-in-law.
I didn’t really know what way I would like to go with this account so wasn’t
too busy with it yet.
On the second day of my new account I found out that the
next day would be Jamie Olivers Food Revolution Day and I thought it would be
much fun to join and involve my girls some extra in my cooking on this day. So
I looked up some extra recipes and we went for fruit & veg shopping. Back
at home I showed them all the veg, let them taste it, play with it and of
course made some pictures to put on my new account under the hashtag #FRD2014.
In the beginning there were of course some likes from people also joining the
Food Revolution Day, but then suddenly my account kind of exploded. Instagram
picked up on one of my pictures and credited me! I was really overwhelmed and
of course proud as any mum would be if somebody likes a pic of their little
ones. It also gives a bit of pressure because I do not want anyone, who started
following me, down. Took me a couple of days to shake the feeling of and now
I’m back to liking what I’m doing on this blog and hoping that other people
like it as well.
We anyhow had a great day with all the fruits and veg and
cooking. It really helped me realize that I really need to involve the girls
more in the cooking process. I’m all about feeding them healthy and varied, but
forgetting the part before the food is on the table. First of all I was a bit
shocked by me that my oldest didn’t know the name of the eggplant, we eat it
all the time but I apparently never showed her a non-processed one. Second of
all, they really enjoy helping me to cook. Of course I have been baking pies
and cookies with them but they also likes helping peel the rhubarb or just put
the pieces of eggplant in the pan.
So also on our behalf, thank you Jamie for starting Food
Revolution Day, even for us it opened our eyes and made us have a really fun day
Hey Maartje, leuk om je blog eens te bekijken! En wat een gezelligheid oa op deze Food Revolution Day! Ik zou ook eens wat vaker moeten kokkerellen met de jongens. De jongste heeft het een tijdje heel leuk gevonden maar nu is zijn interesse naar andere dingen uitgegaan. De oudste? Die interesseert het nog niet zo. Maar je weet het nooit. Het zou zomaar kunnen draaien. Greets, Simone